Pathfinder for a Profession was published in 2010 as an account of the formation and development of the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario (1964 - 2004). Many people were involved in bringing this important piece of work to fruition but the primary force behind the book was long time OHAO member Neil Murray.

Several years ago we ran out of hard copies of the book (other than  few archival copies). For the 60th Anniversary we were finally able to convert the book into PDF format! Now all OHAO members, and anyone interested in occupational hygiene in Ontario will have access to the book at any time.

For the most part the book remains as originally published with updates to the appendices.  Appendix 6 includes updates for the 60th, anniversary of OHAO including Neil Murray's reflections on OHAO on the 50th Anniversary and Past President Anne-Marie Landis-Grooms insights on OHAO on the 60th Anniversary.  There are also a number of submissions from Past OHAO Presidents reflecting on the 60th Anniversary.

We hope you enjoy this updated electronic edition of Pathfinder for a Profession and please feel free to share with anyone who might be interested in OHAO or occupational hygiene in general.

Click here to view or download the PDF.

Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario (OHAO)
6700 Century Ave, Ste. 100
Mississauga, ON, L5N 6A4

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